John Hoyland Sheffield Gallery October 2021

I managed to go to this exhibition of John Hoyland whose canvases are really big and I guess his abstract way of painting isn’t for everybody which is fine but I watched a documentary of the guy and he is aware of this and is not pretentious about how his work is perceived.
You do need to see his paintings in real life as that sense of scale predicates the sense of urgency and experimentation in his brush strokes and how the paint reacts with the canvas.

John Hoyland bio photographed by me

Elegy (for Terry Frost) 2003 photographed by me

Overall I enjoyed the experience; it is strange to view an artists work ten years after they have passed away and reminds you of the fragility and immortality that art can possess of you.
For me personally it emboldens my approach to art and encapsulates my entire being. I literally want to make a mark in the art world to have a legacy that people will be fond of.
John Hoyland has achieved that and in having your work exhibited posthumously your spirit lives on.

Published by Russell Jones

B A Fine Arts graduate in Sheffield.

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